Designed Specifically for Coaches, Consultants, and Small Business Owners...

How to Attract New Clients...

Discover how to attract clients you love to work with so you're free to focus on what truly matters—your impact and passion.

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You have hard-won skills, and you know you can help people. So why is it so hard to stand out from the crowd?

Most modern marketing feels as if it's based on "Who can shout loudest". It feels false and inauthentic.

And when you value your professionalism, it's hard to see how it can work for you.

But the problem is you have to try.

So you network. You try to build an email list. You run adverts on Facebook. You try to find speaking events.

Worst, when you try to explain to somebody what you do, it's hard to find the right words.

You know if you have a converation with them, they'll get it. But how do you create the opportunity to have those conversations?

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"Surely we'll get new clients when people come back after the New Year? Won't we?"

I can still feel the fear, more than 20 years into the future.

Back then, I'd started my own coaching business. I'd been successful in my corporate career, and they'd sponsored me to do an MBA. So I knew everything, right?

As it turns out, no.

Initially we grew fast and it was everything we'd dreamed of. Our clients loved us. We got them great results.

But one September, when we'd normally expect the post-summer rush, nothing happened.

No new clients.

We tried everything we could think of. Nothing worked. It felt as if we were invisible.

It was one of the most frustrating experiences. How could we be in a position where we knew we could help people but couldn't we get new clients?

As it turned out, everything I thought I knew about marketing was wrong. We didn't lose everything, but it came very close.

Here's a picture of a friend taking the sign down on the day we finally shut.

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I took a couple of weeks to feel sorry for myself.

And then I realised that if I didn't take action, then nothing would change.

I realised that if I didn't understand how to reliably and predictably attract new clients, I'd never be able to build the business I saw in my dreams.

So I got to work.

Since that day, I've never stopped learning. I searched for the source of the best wisdom in the world, and learned from the best.

I still remember the day that marketing stopped feeling like "smoke and mirrors". Suddenly, it made sense.

That was the day I read the book "Intimate Behaviour" by the zoologist Desmond Morris.

He explained how there are 12 steps to how humans develop relationsips and they're all based on trust.

The steps are small, yet one leads naturally to the next. If you skip one, it all starts to fall apart.

It was the perfect system, and extremely simple.

As I started to apply it, it worked. I started showing other coaches and consultants how to build their businesses based off it.

It helped them cut through the noise and stand out from the crowd.

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Our business grew. We found ourselves working with clients around the world, and for many years we only worked with clients in the USA.

Back in 2023, we found ourselves working with larger and larger coaching organizations, and helped them attract the senior leadership teams of clients including Etsy, Tinder, Spotify, Laurent Perrier and many more.

All through using the simple steps of how humans develop relationships based on trust, plus story to make it engaging.

Then everything changed in a heartbeat.


In March 2023, I discovered ChatGPT. And I realised that it could do everything I could do, but better. At some point, somebody with a $20 subscription to ChatGPT would be able to replicate my work, with zero experience.

I went through the Five Stages of Grief, and eventually got to the stage where I could see the opportunity.

AI was everything I had never realised I was looking for.

I thought the whole world would embrace AI in weeks. It turns out I was wrong, but the speed at which people are now using it is accelerating. They're realising the doom-mongering is not true, and that with a little effort, it can augment everything we, as humans, do to make it better, faster, and cheaper.

AI is nothing more than a tool.

As with all tools, if you don't know how to use it, you get bad results. A hammer, after all, is just a hammer.

But if you give a blacksmith a hammer and fire, they can create stunning works of art.

And that's what AI can do.

If you have expertise and wisdom, AI will work with you to help you unpack it in a way that's fast and effortless.

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We used to take weeks to help our clients get their thoughts out onto paper so they could start to create the conversations they need to attract more clients. And that's probably been your experiene too. It's HARD.

Now, with AI, we do it in minutes. The process is effortless, fun, and rewarding.

And that's why I've created this membership.

I want to impact the lives of people who in turn can have an impact on their audience.

The way I can have the greatest impact on the world is by unleashing the potential in other people.

If I can help other be successful, then I can be successful. That is the reason I'm creating this membership.

I know how hard it can be to stand out from the crowd. I know how frustrating it can be to want to help others, yet now know where to start and to feel as if nothing's working.

When you join the Authentic Influence membership, you're going to discover how simple marketing can be. You'll have a clear plan. You'll know what you need to do at every stage to grow your business.

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Plus, you'll do it in the company of other like-minded people who want to make their own positive dent in the universe too.

So join us. The risk is all on us. If you find it's not for you, we'll give you a prompt and friendly refund.

I'd hate for you to struggle to build your business. To not know what to post on social media, or whether you should build your email list.

We're going to cover it all, but at a pace that never feels overwhelming.

So join now, before the Founder Member offer expires, and we'll guide you through both the concrete steps you need to take as well as the mindset shifts.

Imagine waking up in the morning knowing you have appointments in the calendar with new clients for projects you find exciting. That you're doing the work you're meant to be doing with people who value your expertise.


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Join the Community of like-minded experts and we'll show you how to approach marketing so it's easy and feels natural. When you have this level of focus, you can create simple messages that resonate with authenticity. This is the key to standing out from the crowd and attracting clients you love to work with.

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Unpack Your Expertise into content that your ideal clients love to read or watch. You need more conversations, and creating the right content in the right way is the secret to creating those conversations. Plus, when you know the steps of how humans develop relationships, you'll understand how to turn those conversations into work that has impact.

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Grow Your Business by understanding how to connect with your ideal clients and lead them on an elegant pathway. At the end of the path, the only logical conclusion for them is to do business with you. You'll never have to sell or feel awkward. Everything will feel natural and easy, both to you and your clients.


We have run a 6-week course to teach these steps, using AI, several times. The problem was that we could only touch upon a tiny fraction of what's needed.

And to cram it all in would be overwhelming.

The membership is designed to be respectful of your time, yet guide you on the exact steps you need to take to grow your business.

You'll always know where you are and what steps you need to take next.

At your own pace.

So we've created a Founder Member Offer which is the lowest price we'll ever offer combined with access to the largest range of AI-powered tools we have.

As soon as the Founder Member Offer closes, people will have to pay more to gain access to the same AI-powered tools you'll have. Plus, you'll have free access to any of the new core AI-powered tools we create.

Members who join AFTER Friday won't have access to some of the most powerful and influential tools we have, such as the ones that write the emails we all wish we could craft. It'll do them in seconds for you.

Plus, when you see the price rise, you'll know you are saving money compared to the new members as you'll be grandfathered in at your price. We'll never raise your price.




How to answer the "What do you do?" question in a way that makes people interested and want to know more about what you do.

How to build your email list and nurture the relationship, even if you've never done it before and don't have any technical skills.

How to get your social media and newsletters created quickly and easily, in a voice and style you love and are proud to share.

How to use AI to help you do nearly everything you need to do in your business better, faster, and cheaper. No tech skills needed!


The Authentic Influence Roadmap is your guide. You'll always know where you are and what to do next to grow your business.

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Each month, in a live session (recordings are uploaded within 24 hours to the membership site) we'll use AI to help you identify a clear "Monthly Focus" to talk about your product or service for the following month. Even if you only have a single thing you sell, you'll find it's easy to talk about it in a new way to keep your audience engaged.

Value: For me to do this with you one-on-one starts at £500/session (about USD $630)


There's work to be done, so let's do it together so it's quick, easy, and you don't need to think about it again.

Once a month, we'll get together to use our AI-powered tools to create our own social media posts for the month ahead. No more thinking "I should post more..." You'll have a dedicated time you can put in your calendar so it's easy.

Value: If you outsource this, it usually costs about £300/month (about USD $375), but then wastes your time trying to get them to do it the way you want it.


Just as you need to carve out time to do your social media, it's the same with your newsletters.

Once a month, we'll get together to use our AI-powered tools to create our newsletters for the month ahead. This is one of the most critical elements you need to do consistently to build your business and it's foundational to developing relationships based on trust.

Value: As with outsourcing social media, this usually costs £300/month (about USD $375) but does it ever say what you'd say? No.


You know you can write your content, yet it's hard.

You'll use our AI-powered tools that are designed to make the work fast and easy. The tools are simple to use (you can even talk to it, or type if you prefer) and they'll take you, step-by-step, through the process of creating the content you need to generate new conversations.

This is the fastest and easiest way to unlock the insights and wisdom you have in your head and share it with the world.

Value: Our prices starts at £300/month (about USD $375) for these same tools for larger companies.


If you work by yourself, you know it can be lonely at times. You're not alone. It's a major part of why we're creating the community so you're not alone.

As you do the work, you'll be able to ask us and the community questions and get feedback.

It's also a place to share when you've have a great day, as well as those inevitable days when it feels as if nothing's going right. We're here for you as you grow.

Value: What's it worth to you to be able to ask people who care about you and your business any question on any topic with no judgement, just support?


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Week 1 - Tuesday 7th May

This is our main monthly session. In this session, we'll guide you so you're clear on who your ideal client is, what they're thinking, and how you'll communicate your value to them so it's easy to stand out from the crowd. And we'll use AI so it's quick, easy, and fun and NEVER overwhelming.

If you can't attend live, don't worry! The session will be uploaded to your membership site the same day.

Week 2 - Tuesday 14th May

No live session this week (unless you come to the Optional Get It Done Session for Social Media).

We'll send you a pdf checklist to help you confirm you're on the right track :)

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Week 3 - Tuesday 21st May

No live session this week (unless you come to the Optional Get It Done Session for Social Media).

We'll send you a short video on how to test your messaging out in real life and online and how to adjust it based on the feedback you receive.

Week 4 - Tuesday 28th May

We'll meet online again this week to wrap up, answer your questions, and celebrate your successes!

We'll also introduce next month's topic so you're ready and prepared.

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Your "I'm Building Momentum" Guarantee

Our goal is for you to always feel you're on track and growing, so we have our "I'm Building Momentum" guarantee so the risk it on us, not you.

If, for any reason, you decide the group is not for you, let us know at any time in the first month and we'll promptly and politely refund your money.

Please note we have no long-term contracts. You are a member on a month-by-month basis, so if you decide to leave, then simply drop us an email and we'll cancel your membership. It's that easy.

I'd been using and dabbling with AI a little bit. My sales process has had the biggest impact so far from this training so far. Using AI has been really helpful and I'm able to get a lot more done

Wesley Bateman
Commercial Sales Director, AISIN Europe

This has impacted me on different levels. I'm way more efficient in going into AI and pulling out what I want. It has had different ripple effects across the board in my business, whether it be strategy, marketing, content writing, messaging, or writing emails.

Daniel Andersen-Tuffnell
Director, Business Mindsets

I didn't really get AI at first... But as I went through the training, I realised the much bigger potential it has for solving real world business problems... It was a brilliant addition to my toolkit

Joanne Foulkes
Founder and CEO of Trip Aunty Ltd


We're Gareth and Mary.

We've been married for 20 something years (you can tell it's Gareth writing this bit...) and we've always worked together.

Our clients tell us, "Gareth gives us the concrete steps I need to take. Mary makes me feel OK about doing it."

We live and breathe our work. It fires us up. To us, it's not work, it's just what we do. We love to solve problems and what better problems to solve than how to help people grow their business?

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This Is Your Moment of Decision

In just a few days, the door to becoming a Founder Member—and transforming your marketing from overwhelming to effortless—closes.

If you've ever felt lost in the noise of the market, unable to attract the clients who truly resonate with your vision, then Authentic Influence is your path forward.

With our AI-driven tools and community support, you'll not only understand marketing; you'll master it in a way that feels authentically you.

Imagine having clear, engaging conversations with prospects who are eager to work with you, all because you finally have the tools to express your true value.

Why wait for another year of uncertainty and missed opportunities?

Join now and secure your place at Founder Member lowest ever price, with access to AI tools that amplify your impact and efficiency. Remember, you're fully backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee—if it's not for you, we'll refund your investment, no questions asked.

Don't let this moment slip away. Embrace the simplicity and power of AI to do the work you've always felt guily that you "should" do, and start building the future you've dreamed of.

I’m already short on time. Will this membership just add to my workload?

It might seem counterintuitive to join a program when you're already feeling swamped, but Authentic Influence Membership is designed to do the opposite. Think of it as your marketing lever: our AI-driven tools and guided sessions are crafted to significantly reduce your workload, not increase it. By streamlining your marketing processes, we free up your time so you can focus on what you do best—growing your business.

I've never used AI in my business before. Is this for me?

If the thought of using AI sounds daunting, don't worry. You'll find the way we use it allows you to clarify your thinking and unlock the insights you have in your head. You need zero technical skills to use AI effectively.

Will the AI-generated content lack soul?

One of the biggest misconceptions about AI is that it removes the human touch. At Authentic Influence, we use AI not to replace your voice but to amplify it. Our tools are designed to enhance what’s uniquely yours, ensuring the output is anything but soulless. By capturing the essence of your personal or brand identity, we ensure that every piece of content resonates deeply with your audience.

What makes your training different from other marketing courses?

Our Authentic Influence membership is uniquely tailored for coaches, consultants, and small business owners who are already skilled in building relationships. Unlike generic courses, we focus on showing you how to use these existing skills combined with cutting-edge AI technology to simplify and enhance your marketing efforts. With over 20 years of business strategy expertise, our proven approach is designed to help you stand out effortlessly in a crowded market.

I've tried many marketing strategies before and none have worked. How will this be different?

Many marketing strategies fail because they are not aligned with the unique needs and strengths of the business implementing them. We focus on authentic marketing techniques that utilize your inherent relationship-building skills, enhanced by AI for efficiency and scalability. With our tailored approach and ongoing support, you'll implement strategies that truly resonate with your audience.

How much time will I need to commit to this program?

We understand that time is a precious resource for all of us. To grow your business, you need to put in time and effort. However, with AI, you'll find that you'll take a fraction of the time to do the same work. Plus, because the AI is doing the "heavy lifting", you'll find it easy.

Do I need to attend the social media and newsletter sessions?

No. These are 100% optional. The idea is that the work needs to be done, so let's get together at the same time and do it. There are two of these sessions a month. One could be used to write all your social media posts for the next month, and the other all your newsletters. But how you use the time is up to you. If you decide to join, we'll be here to support you if you need it.

Is there ongoing support available?

Yes. Built into our approach is a community where you can ask questions. Sometime we'll answer, and sometimes you'll find that another member has the insight you need. We want the community to support each other as we grow.

Can I cancel my membership if it’s not right for me?

Of course. The membership is month by month (meaning it's down to us to ensure we're always providing you with value). There are no long contracts and you can cancel at any time by simply emailing us or contacting us through the membership site.

I'm not in the UK. How can I pay and what does it cost?

Your card should work perfectly with our system. The price is approximately USD123. There are no international fees that we apply, although you may wish to check with your bank to see if they may add any. Here's a currency converter:



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