Coaches and Consultants:

Discover How To Attract New Clients Using AI

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As a coach or consultant, you know you have skills and experience people need.

But how do you stand out from the crowd and let people konw what you can do for them?

It's frustrating because you know when you can have a conversation with somebody, that they'll "get it" and want to work with you.

So how do you create those conversations?

We've worked with businesses for over 20 years to help them understand how create those conversations so they can attract new clients.

In that time we've helped build the businesses of hundreds of coaches and consultants.

We show they why their marketing has not delivered the results they deserve in the past or has felt inauthentic.

And then we show you how to attract your dream clients by building a relatinoship based on trust. This way, your marketing always feels easy and a true representation of who you are. Best, you never need to sell because your audience will understand the value of your work.

What you'll discover is that it's simple, feels genuine, and works. In the last 18 months, we've helped our clients engage with the senior leadership teams in Spotify, Etsy, Tinder, Laurent Perrier and many more.

Here's how it works:

1) We'll show you how to get started with AI (no technical skills needed!) and how to use it to hand you deeply empathetic and personal content. You'll see how work that used to take weeks can be done in seconds at an exceptionally high level.

2) We help you understand exactly what your niche is (even if you've struggled to niche down before) so you have total clarity on who you'd love to work with. This way you'll have a beautifully clear message that resonates with the people you love to work with.

3) You'll be handed the keys to our tried and tested AI tools and frameworks. Instead of it taking weeks to create the content you need, you'll have it in seconds.

And that's the true power of AI.

Instead of spending thousands to hire an expert or struggling with it for weeks, AI does the heavy lifting so you're free to refine and perfect it at your leisure.

Join our AI Academy for Coaches and Consultant now because if you don't embrace AI into your marketing, you risk falling behind, missing out on potential clients, and losing ground to competitors who are leveraging technology to their advantage.

And I don't want that for you!

I know every coach and consultant has hard-won knowledge and expertise and all they need is to understand how to get a clear message and connect with prospective clients. I want you to be like Christina.

Christina is a highly intelligent and empathetic coach. She'd tried for years to engage with more clients. Here she is explaining the impact of our approach in only the second week of the course.

Here's What You'll Discover

Why your old marketing felt so hard and inauthentic... and why the "Relationships built on trust" approach works perfectly for people with years of experience.

How AI can do the "heavy lifting" for you so you're able to take action.

How to use AI so everything it creates feels authentic and a genuine representation of your values.

The exact steps you need to attract new clients into your sphere of influence

Here's everything you get:

Week 1: Your Ideal Client Profile

In week 1, we'll cover why the easiest way to stand out from the crowd is to have a clear message.

We'll also explain why the ONLY way to do this is to create an Ideal Client Profile to cut through the noise. In this session, you'll leave with a highly detailed profile of your ideal client and a deep understanding of their psychological triggers so AI knows how to communicate with them in a deeply empathetic manner.

(Pro-tip: You can have more than one Ideal Client Profile!)

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Week 2: Create a Course

We are only useful to our prospective clients when we can solve a problem for them.

In this session, you'll use AI to create a short and highly engaging course to prove to your clients you can help them start to solve their problem.

The course you deliver is the perfect place for them to get started and is a critical element of building a relationship based on trust.

Of course, you'll want to add your own insight and expertise, however, you'll find we've trained the AI so it creates about 80% of what you need, so you can grab a coffee and a pen and easily finish up the final 20%

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Week 3: Client-Generating Newsletters

We all know we should stay "top of mind" with our audience and send out a newsletter.

But what do you write about? And how do you make it engaging so you actually get NEW clients?

In this session, you'll discover how to create a newsletter people love to receive AND that actively generates new clients for you.

Plus... using AI means it'll be done in just a few minutes.

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Week 4: Engaging Social Media Posts

As the saying goes, "Content creates conversations".

But why does it have to take so long?

In this session, you'll discover what type of social media posts you need to create to stand out from the crowd and attract new clients.

And then you'll use AI to create them. What used to take hours can now take seconds. What's more, with our proven approach, you'll always be confident your content feels authentic and genuinely reflects who you are.

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Here's what our

clients say about us...

Claim Three Free Gifts When You Order Today...

Because you are a first-time customer, when you join the AI Academy for Coaches and Consultants today, we will also give you access to these additional bonuses at no additional charge.

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AI can feel a little scary at first. It's the fear of the unknown.

In this short course, you'll be guided step-by-step on how to get set up with ChatGPT and how to use it effectively.

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Have you ever heard somebody say, “How much does it cost?” or “I need to think about it”?

These "objections" are really opportunities.

You'll discover how to use AI to effortlessly understand and overcome potential objections using a simple three-step process.

You'll always have the right words to say in a way that guides people to understanding that you care, and can help them.

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Imagine bumping into your ideal client and they ask you, "What do you do?"

Imagine if you have the exact words to paint a picture in their mind so they not only understand... they want to find out more and have a real conversation with you.

This one bonus session alone can transform how many conversations you create with prospective clients. Plus, because it's now easy to explain what you do, it's easy for people to refer you to their friends and family.

How can AI be empathetic if it's artificial?

That's a great question. The easiest way is to demonstrate it to you with a real challenge. Here's a video where we're using AI to help us understand how to handle a difficult conversation.

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I've never used AI before. Does that matter?

Most people haven't used AI before. You don't need to know how to use it because we'll guide you step-by-step through what you need to know. We'll also include our "How to get started with AI" course for you.

Do I need any technical skills?

No. Using AI is surprisingly easy. You can talk to it or use your keyboard. You certainly don't need ANY technical skills at all. If you're OK at browsing the web, you have everything you need.

Can I use the free version of ChatGPT?

To get the most out of the course, you need the paid for version of ChatGPT because it has the deep level of empathy and nuance you will need. The free version of ChatGPT does not have this, nor does it work with our tools.
The ChatGPT subscription is $20 a month and you can cancel at any time. However, you're going to discover it saves you so much time that you get an incredible amount of value for your money.

How is the course delivered?

The course is prerecorded and stored in our membership site. Each week, a new unit is released so you never feel overwhelmed.

The membership site also allows you to easily ask any questions you have as you go through the training.

What if I need any extra support?

The membership site allows you to ask questions as you're going through the course.

However, we also know how lonely it can be building your business. We've created a monthly membership where you can meet with other coaches and consultants

Your "I'm Moving Forward" Guarantee

If, FOR ANY REASON, you find the course is not for you or doesn't immediately help you move your coaching or consulting business forward, then simply drop us a line within the first 14 days of the course starting.

We'll give you a full refund and part as friends.

What does your future hold?

AI is already here. If you watch any of the videos on this page, you'll see stories of real people using AI to grow their businesses.

Our goal with this course is two-fold.

First, we want you to understand how as a coach or consultant, it's easy to grow your business when you have a simple yet proven approach.

Second, we want to show people how easy it is to get started with AI and what it can do for you and your business.

This matters because most coaches and consultants are going to get left-behind by AI. They won't understand what it's capable of doing for them.

I don't want that for you.

I want you to discover how AI can make a real and immediate impact on your business. It can create startlingly empathetic content. When you understand how simple it is to use, you'll discover how to massively increase your productivity meaning you're free to focus your time and energy on your clients.

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